Many students who are interested in pursuing career in engineering and are not very confident to appearing for the highly competitive entrance exams, often decide
to pursue engineering via the diploma avenue. Engineering diploma can be pursued as a part time as well as a full time course. Most engineering diploma courses
are for a period of 3-4 years ( depending upon which stream you choose ).
The learning of fundamental engineering concepts.
It offers all the basic specializations, such as electrical engineering, electronics engineering, civil engineering, and computer and IT engineering, just like a degree
course does. Students can then pick the subject that interests them.
It is a professional course, planned so that students can take up a job in the engineering field once they earn their diplomas.
After an engineering diploma, most students have the option for seeking admission into the bachelors of engineering course. The directorate of technical
educations offers the provision of seeking lateral entry into the second year of the bachelors of engineering course. However this is possible only if you have a good
academic record throughout you academic years at the diploma course. This is a centralized admission and depending upon your rank , you are allotted degree
college. Those who do not want to seek lateral entry into the bachelors course can consider option for advanced diploma course which are offered by most
Mumbai/ Maharashtra polytechnics.
Chemical engineers are concerned with designing, construction, installation and operation of plants and equipments for the manufacture of chemical products.
Chemical engineers deal with the processing of raw materials into products such as food, plastics, minerals and petroleum. Success in this field requires strong
mechanical, numerical and analytical aptitudes.
Civil Engineering encompasses designing, supervision and construction activities of public works like roads, bridges, tunnels, buildings, airports, dams, water works,
sewage systems, ports etc. An aptitude for problem solving, good spatial ability and visualization ability are some of the essential aspects needed for this field.
Electronic engineers deal with electronic components, integrated circuits and microprocessors. All gadgets and machinery use their applications. Success in this
field is related to a sound understanding of engineering principles and physics principles, above average mental ability and high analytical aptitudes.
Telecommunication engineers are involved in the designing, manufacture and operation of telecommunication devices. They are concerned with establishing
communication by means of telephones, telegraphs, radar, radio, radio navigational aids, TV, broadcasting, satellite and fiber optics. Telecommunication engineers
mainly deal with line and wireless communication, or radio, cable or satellite communication.